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Sunday, January 4, 2009

SAD Assignment 2

Following the SDLC model, please discuss the acitvities/steps that you will undertake in order to achieve your objective/s in life. what approach(es) would you use, predictive/adaptive?.. your own version of SDLC pls...

For me, life is a matter of choice. So, if I would choose between the two approaches, I would choose both. We can predict what will happen in the choice we pick but not all the time. Life is more on the adaptive approach, we must adapt on the changes because that is the only way we can go on.

If I will create my own version of SDLC, it will be like this...

This phase will really help in achieving what I want to achieve. Reflecting on my performance in the past, whether it is positive or negative, will help in making decisions in the upcoming events. To be honest, I really don't know until now what will be my goals after graduation.

Setting Goals
After reflecting, this comes next. Here is the time when I set my real goals in life.

From the word itself, this is the time when I make plans to the goals I set.

Here, I implement what I have reflected, the goals I set and the plans I made.

Correcting while Improving
In this phase, it is like correcting an error. I will do my best to correct what should be corrected in order to improve my performance.

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